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Discover our School & STEAM Kit for Students of Ages 8-16

Everything you need to effectively teach STEAM in elementary and middle school classrooms is included!


Bluetooth connected hardware gives you physical components to create projects using our SAM Studio. A huge variety of buttons, motors, sensors such as heat, proximity and light sensors with a whole range of functions.


Where students can autonomously code and create projects using the different SAM Blocks. Projects are designed for all the different coding skill levels and ages. SAM Studio has two separate parts, SAM Blockly and SAM Space.


SAM’s block-based coding platform which is used for our Learn-to-Code course as well as a big selection of other lessons. SAM Blockly represents coding concepts as interlocking blocks.


Easy to use intuitive visual programming. Simply drag, drop and connect to get started. 50+ curriculum-aligned lessons are carried out within SAM Space.


The SAM Labs’ curriculum is created by teachers for teachers and includes many STEAM Lessons and a full Learn-to-Code Course –  all aligned to UK and US curricula and is suitable for kids of ages 7+ including High School years.

What's inside the kit?

A comprehensive curriculum with many lessons.


IoT Blocks


Full Educational Kit components for institutions.


User Guide for easy setup and operation.


Training for educators through Smartistic Labs.


One-year Warranty on all included products.


Continuous Support for hardware and software.


Reduced Pricing especially provided for educational institutions in Egypt.


See a problem, imagine solutions, then create and test it. When it may fail - because sometimes it does - then go back through the steps and troubleshoot and improve it. Students love the freedom to be creative and SAM Labs provides just that opportunity.

Eddie LyonsSTEAM & Technology Applications Teacher, Harmony School of Innovation, Euless TX

I have seen a lot of curriculum over the years. A lot. And SAM Labs does THE best job of packaging curriculum, of making it teacher friendly... It's just so easy to use, and so well done. You'll see sometimes, [other curriculum] is easy to use but it's not high quality. SAM Labs is high quality AND easy to use. I absolutely love that.

Amy SabarreDirector of STEM Education, Harrisonburg City Public Schools, Harrisonburg VA

I think your product is awesome. It's engaging and intuitive. I really wish that products like SAM Labs become the future of play for kids and teenagers. It connects what they learn in school to hands-on activities. If more kids got to play with it, STEM will be much more popular worldwide.

Libo ValenciaMath Teacher, Chappaqua Central School District, Chappaqua NY

It is intuitive, interactive and fosters open-ended creativity and problem-solving centered on real life issues and critical science topics.

Sam YanceyStrawbees Education Specialist & STEAM Curriculum Writer

SAM Labs' versatility and ease of use make lessons feel new, exciting and engaging.

Rory McGrathHeadteacher, Shacklewell Primary School, UK

So much potential with SAM Labs across all grade levels, great customer service, great lesson ideas, wonderful community!

Nickie DoranInnovation Lab Specialist, Hallinan Elementary School, Lake Oswego OR

SAM Labs is an intuitive, user-friendly interface that welcomes teachers of all technology backgrounds.

Julia DweckGifted Specialist (Teacher), Willow Lane Elementary, Macungie PA

Great product, but what sets SAM Labs apart is the curriculum and support they offer. Great, challenging curriculum based on grade levels. So easy to use no matter what the teacher's coding skills.

Emily BoshersGifted Specialist, Columbia Elementary School, Madison AL
Gamified STEAM Education. Lessons by teachers for teachers.

Take Education to New Heights With SAM Labs